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4 Expert Tips For Maintaining Good Air Quality in Your Home or Business


If you are at home right now, take a deep breath. How clean would you say the air is in your home? Are you using a HEPA air purifier? Humidifier or dehumidifier? When was the last time you changed the filter in your HVAC system?

There are a lot of us who may be concerned with the air quality inside their house but are not taking every advantage to do so. Here are four tips on the subject of air quality in you may have overlooked.

Non-Toxic Products

notoxinsChemicals and toxins are going to be in the air inside your house. For years we've been using the same products to clean with, and they all leave the same chemical residues.

However, in 2001 we started seeing a shift in the cleaners on the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies. One brand, Method, changed the way we think about cleaning agents that we bring into our homes.

Products that are green-focused and 100% made with sustainable and natural ingredients. Today, green products are easy to find and in stores everywhere. Using "green-clean" products mean safer air quality and they work just as well as the ones you've been using for years.

Plants That Filter Air

plantsfilterDo you have any houseplants in your home? Would you say you have a green thumb? It's ok if you say no.

However, you may want to give plants a try as they can clean the air in your house. They remove things like ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene.

From the Yellow mum to the spider plant, adding some well-placed plants to your living space will help all of your family breathe a little more comfortable.

Fresh Air Can't Hurt

When do you feel compelled to open a window in your own home? Most would say something like, "It feels stuffy in here." Well, they are correct.

Moving fresh air through your house is ideal for getting rid of stagnant and stale air that has had impurities and toxins build up in it. Twenty minutes won't blow up your heating bill, and you will be glad you aired your place out.

Change Your HVAC’s, Air Filter

AirFilterYou dust and clean your home every week to try and keep the impurities in the air to a minimum. Your HVAC system is working to keep your air clean as well.

As air is taken into the system, a filter catches much of the solid particles that would otherwise be spread throughout your home via the ducts.

As the filter becomes clogged with dust, your HVAC system would need to work harder to push air through the filter, and thus it would cost more to heat or cool your home.

Changing your filter as it needs it just requires checking it from time to time. No fancy tricks here. If your filter looks dirty, it is. Replace it immediately.